Armenians in Romania
The stories of the people close to us

The book is a documentary project focusing on a part of the Armenian community’s history in Romania. I captured Armenians living within their community, but also within their families. I concentrated on an Armenian family from Bucharest, deeply involved in the community’s activities. With deep regret I mention the passing of some of the Armenians portrayed in the album, completing the life and death cycle, which is present in every story.
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The author
I consider that it is very important to know our history, understand and accept it, with all its bleak moments. The tragedy of a nation, as genocide is, affects and concerns us all. It is essential to know and to understand why the Armenians live in Romania.
My country was one of the first to open its doors to receive Armenian refugees during the genocide. As a result of that policy, the country’s laws were amended and the nature of ethnic communities has changed.
Andreea Tănase, Photojournalist

Project Map: see the photo locations
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